

Don N. Otters

For when you’re dahn n aht.

This is the business end of my public space meddling.

Street legal peddling of pastries and teas, as well as my prints and portraits on occasion.

Hours were highly inconsistent, late summer became more akin to unicorn-ish. Currently the trike is out of commission for my own safety, and yours.

The electric cargo trike, collaged and wired up myself, has some set backs I hope to address over the winter. You may encounter me with a dolly or pushcart variation before you see this bad boy back in action. Unfortunately, its limitations meant I couldn’t get to the neighborhoods I would have liked to. Hoping to be slinging slow roast lambwiches next… vision of txikiteo on 3 wheels exists as well.

Aspirations of this project: a low upfront, replicable business venture for those who wish to share their own unique talents and work for themselves rather than sell their time for the profit of others. The activation of public space and engagement with neighbors and the members of the community on a face-to-face level. Anti-instagrammetastasization of trade and commerce, where businesses with the exact same aesthetics, ugly ass tiles, maddeningly faddend, come manifest into our worlds, invasive species like, the whole #hashtag.

People > propagation of impersonal, # driven, web2.03.04.0 sheeeit…
For the culture.

If you would like to talk shop about street food, permiture, potential collaboration, etc. contact me here.


occasionally peddling politicks as well

& self-portrait on the scene with food trike

my former sign & hours